GRAFFTV produces podcast exploring Man One's early history as an LA graffiti artist

Man One recently made a captivating appearance on GraffTV's video podcast, sharing intriguing stories and insights into his illustrious career within the graffiti world. With his wealth of experience and innovative approach to urban art, Man One drew listeners in with vivid tales of his artistic journey, highlighting the challenges and triumphs that have shaped his unique style. As a pioneer in the graffiti art scene, Man One's presence on the podcast provided an invaluable opportunity for fans and aspiring artists to glean inspiration and wisdom from his remarkable trajectory in the world of graffiti art.

Click below to watch the episode. Enjoy!

Man One on GraffTV podcast


In case you haven't heard, I'm a officially a podcaster now!

NOT REAL ART is the name our show and I'm happy to be co-hosting it with my long time friend and collaborator, Scott “Sourdough” Power.

If you’re looking for a high brow art show streaming from an ivory tower, this ain't it.

But, if you prefer your culture served raw and unfiltered straight from the front-lines, NOT REAL ART is just for you! We are a pro-artist and anti-art-snob show. We celebrate artists as we call out the B.S. in the art world. We're having a great time recording these episodes (as you will hear) and we will start adding guests to the show very soon!

Most episodes are only 15-30 minutes long to make it easy to binge on. 
So have a listen and please like, share and comment, we love to hear the feedback!

Photos by BIRDMAN
(Instagram @birdmanphotos)