Graffiti Artist Panel:
Turning the Ephemeral into the Permanent | LA Made
Panelists: Chaz Bojorquez, Petal, Zoueh, Aiseborn
Moderators: Man One and Scott “Sourdough” Power
Date: Sunday, September 30, 2018
Time: 2:00pm to 3:30pm (followed by book and print signing)
Location: Central Library @ Mark Taper Auditorium
*Get your free tickets via Eventbrite
This panel will discuss how contemporary Los Angeles graffiti artists have gone from creating temporary works of street art to permanent and important “marks" on society. Through the publishing of their work in books, the installation of permanent murals, and original canvas works collected by both private individuals as well as important institutions, graffiti art has become an art form that exists beyond the short-lived nature of street tags.
The artists on the panel will share their unique experiences and the evolution of their work toward becoming a lasting tradition. The panel will be curated by myself and Scott "Sourdough" Power (Crewest Studio founders and hosts of the Not Real Art podcast) and will feature graffiti artists Chaz Bojorquez, Petal, AiseBorn, and Zoueh.

Following the panel discussion, I will be doing a book signing of my first picture book, Chef Roy Choi and the Street Food Remix, which is currently receiving national awards and accolades for its colorful and original illustration work. Books, prints and other merchandise will be available by the other artists as well.