"Kizh Spirit in the Sky"
El Monte, Ca

Commissioned by the City of El Monte, this mural was created to honor the histories of the peoples of the Kizh Nation also known as the Gabrieleño Band of Indians. The mural depicts Chief Ernest Teutimez Salas as the central subject in the mural. He was revered as both chief and spiritual leader within the tribe before his passing in 2021. The mural depicts the Chief in his ceremonial garments and feathers as he looks towards the Western sky where the sun sets and where he often stated all our lives all eventually end.

Included in the background are Kizh markings and iconography found in the area used to denote cultural and sacred space.  Things such as the willow branches which were used to make their houses, the chia sage plant which was commonly gathered, as well as the yucca plant. The eagle icon is depicted due to its highly sacred status, feathers of this bird were commonly used within honorable ceremonies.

The mural’s over arching theme is that of unity and harmony on sacred land which we should honor and maintain as stewards of this earth.

Thanks to my friend Andy Salas and all the members of the Kizh nation for giving me the confidence to portray such an important person in their personal and tribal lives. Thanks to everyone from the local government in the City of El Monte who fought over the last 3.5 years to make sure this project would manifest!

Mural assistants included Joel Lopez (Man One Art Academy mentee), my friend David Russell and Carlos and Davida from MuralColors for the final UV top coat and anti-graffiti coatings.

Video and drone shots by VonJako
Pics by Man One and Joel Lopez
"Kizh Spirit in the Sky" by Man One © 2024

Watch the short documentary film by Vonjako below. Presented by Not Real Art and produced by Crewest Studio.

Man One was also interviewed on Telemundo52 by Dunia Elvir about the mural. Watch below.

Pics below…full video coming soon!