"Ese Leo"
Downtown Los Angeles, CA
With this mural I wanted to honor one of LA’s Chicano art pioneers, Leo Limon. I’ve known Leo for a few decades and
not only do I admire his work but he is also always been a huge supporter and activist for us graffiti artists especially from
the East side. Leo is most famous for his “gatitas” or LA River Cats that he painted in the LA river in the 70’s and 80’s, which
I distinctly remember seeing from the 5 freeway on my many trips to the LA Zoo as a kid. This mural is part of my ongoing
mural series #FacesLA where I’m honoring living artists and community people who have made an impact or are well loved
in their communities.
You can view and learn more about Leo’s work at: www.leolimon.com
This mural would not have been possible without the support of these individuals and organizations:
Dr. Enrique Figueroa and the GenteChicana/SOYmosChicanos Arts Fund
Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles
Jeff Parker @ The Vortex
Video shot and edited by Birdman © 2021

Click below to watch video.
Click on images below for process pics.
Photos by Leo Limon, Birdman and Man One.