Meeting Zephyr...a NY Graff Legend

As I’m continually going through my archives, I always seem to find some gems stashed in my flat files and metal cabinets.

In 1996 I was painting a mural in Hollywood on Sunset Blvd & this guy just walked up to me and started asking me about it. He said he liked what I was doing, I said thanks & asked him his name. He said ZEPHYR. I said like the NYC graff writer? He said yup that’s me. My mind was 🤯! Apparently we exchanged business cards because l found this today as I was going through the archives. Definitely gonna frame it!

Zephyr… next time you’re in LA drop me a line!
It’s been too long. 🤝

Make sure to visit his website:


If you love music and Los Angeles, this will be a beautiful intimate journey in the Grand Performances Amphitheater. My good friend Mike the Poet will be our tour guide through the years, neighborhoods, and musical movements. I’ll do my best to add to the ambiance with some inspired paint strokes and splatters. Let’s see what we create together!

Friday, July 26, 2024
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Grand Performances
350 South Grand Avenue
Los Angeles, CA, 90071

BESSKEPP, Bridgette Bianca, F. Douglas Brown, Rocio Carlos, Michael C. Ford, Nikolai Garcia, Ruben Guevara, Marjorie Light, Phillip Martin, Dante Mitchell, Luivette Resto, Vickie Vertiz

DJ: Gingee

Hosted by: Mike the PoeT

Live painting performance: Man One

About Mike the PoeT:
Mike Sonksen, aka Mike the PoeT, is an acclaimed poet, professor, journalist, historian and tour guide. He has published over 500 essays and poems, most recently two excerpts in Dear California: The Golden State in Diaries and Letters, (Stanford University Press, September 2023). He has delivered over 2,000 poetry readings, served as guest speaker at over 100 academic institutions, appeared on radio and television and hosted events in locations like Grand Performances and Getty Center. His latest book, Letters To My City was published by Writ Large Press.

While you’re in the vicinity, take a brief stroll of a few hundred feet to feast your eyes on my mural adorning 1 Cal Plaza!
For a delightful glimpse into its creation and my process, I invite you to view the video below capturing the artwork's inception from last year. Enjoy!

Man One: Artist, Curator and Honoree At This Year's LA BULLA Event!

La Bulla opened August 3, 2024 at Plaza de la Raza

It was a great event with over 3,000 people in attendance. Thanks to Antonio Pelayo for asking me to curate the exhibition and for the Pelayo Foundation honoring me that night as well and writing me a big ol’ check! Lol.
Enjoy the pics and video from the event!

Checkout the recap video I put together…

My piece for the show:

“El Hombre de Oro” (SOLD)
Spray paint, metallic gold paint, acrylic and markers
with mini-spray can on custom cutout wood panel.


“The Second Verse”
Grand Reopening Exhibit and Celebration
Saturday April 13th 2024 | 5-10pm
158 West 3rd Street Pomona CA 91766

Featuring Art By
Man One & Saints

Featuring DJs
DJ Mishaps, DJ Luman, & Javie Lopez


For Availability Contact: